Monday, October 9, 2017


I know, I know! It’s been a while! With summer coming to a close, and school starting up, I barely had time to sit and have a thought to myself. No excuse, I know, but starting junior year, I needed some time to focus on my education and schooling--especially since I am prepping for my LSAT exams. 

But I’m so excited to be back & I’m feeling better than ever! But speaking of school starting up, is there such a thing as the 10 month slump? Autumn always feels like a bit of a crossroads for me -- or more, a natural divide in the year. All the good intentions from the start of the New Year has all but ebbed away now. But something about the change of seasons and 'Back To School' time, makes the fall time an opportunity to pick things back up, or change direction. I'm back today with five tips to rebooting your autumn and how to feel more energized and inspired by embracing change. Hope you enjoy!


It's no surprise that your surroundings greatly affect your mood, especially if you're somewhat aesthetically driven like me, so in the name of inspiration and a renewed sense of energy, I'm giving you free reign to go wild on your space - for this fall only, you understand? 

Rearranging your space and shifting around a bit of furniture can be all it takes to add a bit of zap back into your routine and give you the excitement of a whole new room. I love the idea of being tidy and organized (although that doesn't always manifest itself) and therefore relish in going shopping for storage solutions.  I've got together just about all of my makeup now into it's own little unit with acrylic boxes that fit perfectly and it makes it incredibly satisfying. If it's a bedroom, get new bedding, or items to put you in the mood for sleep such as twinkle lights, aromather. Surround yourself with objects that add beauty, purpose, sentiment or value. Clear up clutter by doing little things as putting away things in their proper areas. Add personal touches by adding polaroids, your favorite fall scents, whatever holds special meaning to you. Also, feel free to incorporate nature by adding succulents and fake plants to spruce up your room a bit! And don’t forget to add plenty of lighting to suit your room's needs. 

W I D E N   Y O U R   P A L E T T E

It's all too common to get stuck in a food rut, and for a foodie like me, that's bad news. Feeling glum and uninspired about mealtimes, frankly, can set the tone for the rest of my day. It’s especially difficult being a college student and being constantly surrounded by the quickest and cheapest of fast foods. The lure of convenience leads me to the same weekday meal because they're fast and easy, and we can quickly get fed up.

Variety is, after all, the spice of life. So bring back some inspiration by widening your palette. Scope out new cookbooks, food magazines and blogs for new recipe ideas. Make a point of trying 5 new ingredients you haven’t cooked with before, or order something completely alien from your “usual” the next time you eat out.


We're constantly evolving, and and shaping who we are as individuals. But how often do we consciously stop and give the time to evaluate our current position? Bravo if you can reply 'often' in response to this! Because for most, myself included, it's an activity that get's completely overlooked in the sprawls of life.

Assess and reevaluate your goals, priorities and where you'd like to be - you could even try writing down your own mantra, or personal statement. You can apply this to all aspects of your life. For example, if you have a business or blog, think about questions like, "Who is your target audience?", and "Are you appealing to that audience?"

I N C O R P O R A T E   W E L L B E I N G

"Valuing your time, more than the pursuit of money, leads to feelings of greater well being." -Dee Ehn.

Taking up a new hobby or doing something you've never tried before can excite and ignite. What could be more of a welcome respite from the 10 month slump of October?

In the spirit of digital detoxing, you can kill two birds with one stone by choosing something that encourages slower living and gets you away from your damn phone! Yoga, meditating, hiking, writing, painting, volunteering, or just giving yourself one project to focus on, like learning to sew a dress, or threading together a macrame wall hanging. I noticed after taking a short hiatus from blogging to focus on school that I was able to have a lot of time to take care of and maintain my own wellbeing. There's nothing like a short term, pressure-free break to spark a little joy.

A   N E W   Y O U

If you've been sitting on a change in your appearance for a little while, then autumn is the perfect time to just go for it. It's surprising what energy you can gain from a fresh haircut or color - even parting your hair differently. If you've been wanting to lose a few pounds, and your good intentions from New Year fizzled out several months ago (me, always), take this moment to start over. I always see the fall time as a bit of a new start anyway, do you?

That's all I have for you today! Keep an eye out for my next blog post that should be up this weekend. Let me know, how do you feel about fall! Is anyone else excited about all the joys this season has to offer? As always, thank you for reading and much love!

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

How to manage anxiety in college

School is just around the corner, and I know many of us are stressing out at the simple thought of going back. Being someone who suffers form anxiety, it's been quite difficult these past few days. But I sat back and thought of how far I have come with my anxiety compared to where I first started. So that gave me an idea to write this post. Here are just a few tips I continuously remind myself and personally helped get me through my first two years of college. I know everyone is different, and no two people are the same, so I tried to write about what I learned in therapy that helped most people who suffer from anxiety as well. I hope everyone, not just people with mental illnesses, can learn something from this post. So, here we go! 

Saturday, August 5, 2017

July Favorites

I hope you've all been well! Sorry for the short hiatus, but I decided to unplug and go offline for a few weeks to simply enjoy the little bits of summer I had left. I can honestly it was such an incredibly rewarding experience. But I'm more than ready to get back into my weekly blogging routine! (Who knows, it may be bi-weekly soon?!) So today, I have a compilation of things I've been loving in the month of July. I really would love to do monthly favorites, but since I'm a boring person, I may not have a huge change of things each month. But I'll definitely do some whenever I feel like I accumulated enough things for a post! Maybe a seasonal favorites (Fall favorites, Winter favorites, etc.). Okay, I'm starting to ramble! Without further ado, here are my July Favorites! 

Monday, July 17, 2017

How Hamy styles: Mesh Tops

I’ve had the pleasure of collaborating with my beautiful and talented friend, Hamy Huynh. Some of you may not know this, but Hamy was actually one of my biggest influences for starting up my blog. I love her incredibly bright and upbeat energy, her constant faith in people, and her work ethic is truly inspiring. I’m incredibly proud to have her on not only as my first collaboration, but on my first fashion series as well! I’ve decided to create this series "How ____ Styles: _____" because I thought it would be a great way to bring a wide variety of styles onto my blog. I came to realize that my style varies and it may not be everybody’s cup of tea, but also, there happens to be incredibly stylish pieces that people just don't know how to style. So  thought I this was the best of both worlds. I’ve also realized this was a great way to get to know someone and their work on a deeper level; what inspires them and how they got to where they are, hence the interview portion of this post. I really hope you all enjoy this. Since this is my first time doing something of this nature, all feedback are welcome! Let me know what you think in the comments below! A huge shoutout goes to Hamy for being such an amazing person to work with! I will leave the links to all her information down below! So without further ado, here is "How Hamy Styles: Mesh Tops"!

Saturday, July 8, 2017

What's in my bag

Hope you all are having a beautiful first week of July and keeping hydrated! It's crazy to think summer is flying by so quickly. I've been incredibly busy, and I have so many more posts and collaborations coming your way, so I expect that's why it's felt quite so speedy. I'm pretty glad for July though. It's a month of holidays, birthdays and weddings for me so an exciting month ahead! And hopefully more glorious weather - although here in the Minnesota, the humidity is getting to me just slightly.  Anyways, today's post is a very short and sweet what's in my bag post. I love watching/reading about what others have in theirs, so I thought I'd share what's in mine!

Monday, July 3, 2017

Summer Skincare Routine

I get asked so much, especially recently, about acne, how to deal with it and the scarring, the hyper-pigmentation that's left behind and how to prevent blemishes and have clearer skin. Unfortunately, I am familiar with it all too well. In my teens, I have had the sad misfortunes of dealing with cystic acne. But as luck may have it, it got better as I neared my twenty year mark. I still deal with much more minor breakouts here and there, and still do have hyper-pigmentation, so I've really paid attention over the last few years on trialing and finding gentle results that work. I've brain dumped  all my thoughts and tips into today's post. So, let's get started!

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

3 Favorite coffee shops in Minneapolis

For those of you who may know me, weather it be in passing or on a deeper level, you know that I am a coffee fanatic, to say the least. Now that it is summer, I have been making more of an effort to take in the sights and beautiful roasted coffee smells my city has to offer. And let me tell you, Minneapolis does not disappoint when it comes to its coffee shops. Before I get into what my favorite coffee shops in the city are, let me tell you what I first look for in the places in the places where I spend 90% of my time.

How to: Self love, acceptance, and mindfulness

You may or may not have seen the recent trend of “self-love” going around the Tumblr and twitter world. people constantly posting aesthetically pleasing pictures of luscious baths filled with foamy bubbles with the luminous glow of scented candles or kicking back with a glass of chardonnay and watching your favorite episode of ‘Frankie & Grace’ on Netflix. While all that is fine and dandy, my personal definition of self-love is slightly more dimensional and real than a bubble bath or some television show.
People who often discuss self-love often times glimpse over it and make it such a generalized topic. Many times, people will glamorize the actual details of it, much like how people glamorize mental illnesses and make such an important subject while turning it into something “cool” or “hip.” But here’s what people don’t want you to know:

Cheers to new beginnings

Well, here I am.
I said I was going to start a blog, and I am actually doing it. I feel like once you say something out into the universe, it holds you accountable for the things you do if that makes any type of sense. And I believe now more than ever, I need something more than my moleskin journal to spew all my feelings and emotions onto. Don’t get me wrong, I still love writing things the old fashion way, but I’m starting to have a slightly different philosophy in life. I no longer want to write for the sake of writing for myself. I want to share my writing along with my experiences with others. for me, it was nearly impossible to find someone who was going through similar struggles I was going through, let alone someone who can give me advice on how to express my emotions in a healthy way.

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